Life Care Plans for Children with Birth Injury-Related Cerebral Palsy

A diagnosis of cerebral palsy can have a tremendous emotional impact on the family – especially when the condition was caused by a Florida health care provider’s medical mistake. The financial implications regarding the costs of medical care after a devastating birth injury are also difficult for families to deal with. Statistics from the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) will convince you that your concerns are justified. The estimated lifetime cost to basic care for an individual with cerebral palsy was nearly $1 million in 2003 when CDC researchers conducted their assessment. In 2020 dollars, that amount would equate to $1.4 million. In fact, our experience handling these cases demonstrates that the financial cost can be many times more than these numbers.
Even with these figures in mind, it is difficult to imagine what your baby’s future holds in terms of costs of care. The analysis is an important one, since it prepares you for what to expect AND has a bearing on your legal remedies. One effective tool for putting things into perspective is a “life care plan,” which your Florida birth injury attorneys should obtain in consultation with medical professionals and experts in life care planning and vocational rehabilitation.
The Importance of a Life Care Plan: Because an individual with cerebral palsy will face an array of challenges over a lifetime, it is important to have a road map that addresses his or her physical, emotional, developmental, and medical needs. Naturally, health care professionals will handle well-being issues when creating a life care plan. Input from an attorney is also essential in terms of developing an outline of expected costs and other losses related to lifetime care for the child. The life care plan plays a critical role when:
- Filing a claim with the medical malpractice insurance company that provides coverage for the physicians or nurses who allegedly caused birth injuries;
- Convincing the insurance adjusters about the value of your economic claim for damages; and
- Convincing a jury about the extensive losses you and your family will face when raising a child with cerebral palsy.
What to Include in a Life Care Plan for a Child with Cerebral Palsy: Health care providers and your med mal lawyer will work with an expert to prepare a life care plan, but there are a few factors to consider through the process. For instance, they should include:
- Medical costs for treatment immediately after the birth injury;
- A list of medical professionals that currently assist the infant;
- Future health care, physical therapy, and rehabilitation expenses;
- Special education costs;
- Expected expenses to modify a residence and vehicles for the child’s needs;
- Adaptive equipment and toys;
- A list of medication the child will need for long-term care;
- Vocational counseling and rehabilitation; and
- Many other factors based upon your unique circumstances.
Get Legal Assistance Florida Birth Injuries Attorney
A life care plan for your child with cerebral palsy is essential for health and well-being purposes, but it also includes critical information for purposes of a medical malpractice lawsuit. If your baby was harmed through any type of birth injury, please contact Freidin Brown, P.A. to learn how our Miami birth injury attorneys can help you protect your child’s future. You can set up a free consultation at our offices.
Pain and Suffering Damages for Cerebral Palsy Birth Injuries