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Biography Video FAQs

What would your past clients say about you? – Philip Freidin

I think, on the whole, our past clients are all very, very satisfied that we treated them fairly, that we treated them with respect, that we listened to their concerns, and we got them excellent results. I think they would also say that we were always honest with them and we never mislead, and we always took their calls.

Why did you decide to become an attorney? – Joel Brown

When I was in High-school, I was looking for a career, something that would be a profession. I came from a family where my dad was a truck driver my mom worked at night. I read a book by the name of “My Life in Court” by Louis Nizer and I realized that the legal profession would provide all the challenges and a rewarding life career. So I decided at that point when I was about sixteen, this is what I would do in life.

Why did you decide to become an attorney? – Jonathan E. Freidin

I grew up in a family of lawyers. My mom’s a lawyer. My dad’s a lawyer. My sister’s a lawyer, but growing up, they made it interesting for me. My dad would always come home with the stories of his cases, and it was always exciting to me. But above all else, I’d say that both of my parents as lawyers taught me how you can use your law degree to help people, and that’s really what drove me to becoming a lawyer.

Why should I choose Freidin Brown, P.A.? – Philip Freidin

We’re a small but highly effective firm. We’re well connected in the community, but we have a huge amount of experience with trial work. We also are small enough to take care of our clients in a very intimate way and pay attention to their needs and pick up their calls and speak to them whenever they need to speak to us, but we’re big enough and strong enough to have an impact in the courthouse and in the community.

That’s a first reason. The second reason is that we have vast experience. We have over 300 jury trials in our experience, over 100 years of collective experience, and finally I think most importantly, we’re very, very straightforward with people. We’re known for our integrity and we’re very, very client conscious in terms of their needs. We’ll be looking out for them for you.

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